Encrypt a 4 digit number in such a way that ,later on Decrypt the number to original number :
1)Your program should read a four-digit integer in such a way that it replaces each digit by(sum of that digit + 7)
2)Swap 2nd digit with 4rth
3)Swap 1st digit with 3rd
4)Print the encrypted number
1)Your program should read a four-digit integer in such a way that it replaces each digit by(sum of that digit + 7)
2)Swap 2nd digit with 4rth
3)Swap 1st digit with 3rd
4)Print the encrypted number
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int num,dig,mod,total = 0,div = 1000,base = 1000,dig1,dig2,dig3,dig4;
printf("Enter a 4 digit +ve number to be Encrypted : ");
if ( num > 999 && num <= 9999)
while ( num != 0)
dig = num / div + 7;
total = total * 10 + dig ;
num = num % base;
div = div / 10;
base = base / 10;
printf("Total encrypted number is %d",total);
dig1 = (total/1000);
dig2 = (total % 1000 / 100);
dig3 = (total % 100 / 10);
dig4 = (total % 10);
printf("\nNew Encrypted number is %d%d%d%d",dig3,dig4,dig1,dig2);
printf("Please Enter a 4 digit +ve number : ");
return 0;
Part 2 : Decryption to original number :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int num,dig1,dig2,dig3,dig4,base = 1000,div = 1000,mod,total = 0;
printf("\nEnter an Encrypted four digit number : ");
if ( num > 999 && num <= 9999)
dig1 = num / base ;
dig2 = (num % base)/100 ;
dig3 = (num % 100)/10 ;
dig4 = (num % 10);
num = dig3*1000+dig4*100+dig1*10+dig2;
while( num != 0)
mod = num / base - 7;
total = total + mod * base;
base = base / 10;
num = num % div;
div = div / 10;
printf("\nDecrypted number is %d",total);
printf("\nPlease enter a +ve 4 digit number & try again ");
return 0;
1 comment:
How can we accomplish this by in Python? Any Idea?
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