/*The marks obtained by a student in 5 different subjects are input through keyboard.The student gets a division as per the following rules:Percentage above or equal to 60 - First divisionPer btw 50 and 59 - Second divper btw 40 and 49-Third divper less than 40 - Fail */Solution Code:=========#include <stdio.h>int main(void){ int m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,sum,per; printf("Enter marks for Math : "); scanf("%d",&m1); printf("\nEnter marks for Chemistry : "); scanf("%d",&m2); printf("\nEnter marks for Biology : "); scanf("%d",&m3); printf("\nEnter marks for Physics : "); scanf("%d",&m4); printf("\nEnter marks for English : "); scanf("%d",&m5); sum = (m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m5); per = (sum * 100 / 500); printf("\nYou got %d percentage",per); if ( per >= 60 ) printf("\nFirst Division"); else if (( per <= 59) && ( per >= 50 )) printf("\nSecond Divison"); else if (( per <= 49 ) && ( per >= 40 )) printf("\nThird Divison"); else printf("\nSorry you Failed"); return 0;}
2nd Solution Code:-
int main(void)
int m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,sum,per;
printf("Enter marks for Math : ");
printf("\nEnter marks for Chemistry : ");
printf("\nEnter marks for Biology : ");
printf("\nEnter marks for Physics : ");
printf("\nEnter marks for English : ");
sum = (m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m5);
per = (sum * 100 / 500);
printf("\nYou got %d percentage",per);
if ( per >= 60 )
printf("\nFirst Division");
if ( per >= 50 )
printf("\nSecond Division");
if ( per >= 40 )
printf("\nThird Division");
return 0;
/*Prompts for and accepts input of an integer.Integer is tested to see that it meets the stated criteria.If it doesn't an error message is issued.If all criteria are met,execution terminates silently*/*Solution Code:-===========
#include <stdio.h>int mod(int i);int main(void){ int i; printf("Enter an Even number less than 20 : "); scanf("%d",&i); if ( i < 20) { if ( mod(i)) printf("Oops you entered Odd number %d",i); else if ( i <= 0 ) printf("Oops you entered number less than or equal to 0 %d",i); } else printf("You entered a number greater than 20"); return 0;}int mod(int i){ return ( i % 2 );}
/*Plays a one-time guessing game with the user.The user enters a number,which is compared with TARGET.The computer issues a diagnostic message & then the correct result*/Solution Code:-=========#include <stdio.h>#define TARGET 17int test(int i,int target);int main(void){ int i; printf("Enter target number : "); scanf("%d",&i); test( i,TARGET); return 0;}void test(int i,int target){ if ( i > target) printf("\nTarget number is smaller than %d,try again",i); else if ( i < target) printf("\nTarget number is greater than %d,try again",i); else if ( i == target ) printf("\nFinally you could make it"); }
/*With an if-else statement detect if input number is odd or even with a function call*/Solution Code:=========#include <stdio.h>int odd(int i);int main(void){ int i; printf("Enter a decimal integer : "); scanf("%d",&i); if (odd(i)) printf("\n%d is Odd number",i); else printf("\n%d is Even number",i); return 0;}int odd(int i){ return ( i % 2 );}
/*A decimal integer is input,added to CONSTANT and the sum is displayed .If the sum is less than 20, a message is issued*/Solution code:-========#include <stdio.h>#define CONSTANT 7int sum(int num,int constant);int main(void){ int i,add; printf("Enter a decimal integer : "); scanf("%d",&i); add = sum(i,CONSTANT); if ( add < 20 )
printf("\nAmount %d is less than 20",add);
return 0;
int sum(int num,int constant)
return (num + constant);