Sunday, March 29, 2009

Calculate prices of oranges

/*Problem:- A grocery store is selling oranges with price of
1 orange = 9 cent while if its 1 dozen then one dollar.Now write a function
that prompts end user to enter number of oranges ,accepts input of an integer
value and outputs total price of oranges in dollar & cents both,you can have just one parameter in
function/s you declare */

#define PRICE 9 //actual parameter

int doz(int no); //no is formal parameter
int cents(int no); //same no is formal parameter
int main(void)
int n ; //n = no here n is actual parameters which is # of oranges
printf("Enter number of oranges to buy :- ");
printf("\nPrice of %d oranges is %d Dollar",n,doz(n));
printf(" and %d cents\n",cents(n));
return 0;

int doz(int no)

return (( no / 12) * 1);

int cents(int no)
return ((no % 12) * PRICE);

Note:- Problem is from book "C by discovery" - Foster & Foster

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